Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Wow, what have I gotten myself into! My fears of not passing the bar grow with the passing of each day. I am "learning" or rather hearing words, that I have never heard before, and expected to memorize them. AH! I asked Andy the other day what we would do if one, or God forbid, both of us, don't pass the bar exam. He answered with the standard response: we will pass, don't worry. Ok, first of all, I'm a planner. I need to plan for this "perhaps" unmentionable contingencies. I need to know what is going to happen in my life, even if it's not necessarily what I desire. Second, failing the bar exam is a distinct possibility. I need to deal with that.

Other than the bar, there is training and wedding planning. Both are sunny spots on my seemingly cloudy days. We did a 25m bike and 3-4 mile run in the rain last Sat, made for an interesting morning.. It was actually a lot of fun, but my bike (and clothes) are still dirty messes.. Studying is also detering my ability to deal with daily tasks such as cleaning, TV watching, etc...somehow I never forget eating though :) Technically, I have forbid myself from wedding planning, so I look at pictures of centerpieces, invitation styles, and ponder money saving techniques. Any suggestions??

I'll keep trucking, if I anything...I won't give up.

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May 2006 - Month before Diagnosis

May 2006 - Month before Diagnosis
Annelise, Stephanie, Rachael, Erin, Me, and Kim


Kim, Me, and Erin in London

Kimberlie Wee

Kimberlie Wee
Beautiful Bald Kim